The library provides general information services to our students and staff. A reference librarian is stationed at the library reception, to assist our customers.
The reference and information services include:
- Reference & Information Services
– Instruction and help in using library and its resources through tours, training, handouts, and assistance at a reference point.
– Help in determining where to look for information reference works, or databases might best meet your needs.
– Help with using electronic catalogue, databases and journals
– Help with making loan requests.
Circulation Services
All registered students and staff may borrow library materials, subject to the lending regulations indicated in the circulation policy. Those who wish to borrow and use books outside the library must have paid the refundable caution fee. For returns, a book chute is provided at the right side next to the Library entrance for after-hours book drop.
Open Hours
Mon to Thursday : 9:00 Am to 5:00 Pm
Sunday: 9:00 Am to 5:00 Pm
Holidays: 9:00 Am to 3:00 Pm